Today, we are pleased to announce the release of additional drug targets for the MX908 target list. We continue to update our target lists as a result of the evolving threat landscape, so that our customers can keep pace with relevant threats.
How we choose what targets to add
The MX908 searches for and detects/identifies priority drugs, explosives, chemical warfare agents, hazardous materials and precursors for responders in the field. Powered by high-pressure mass spectrometry™ (HPMS), the MX908 can see through interferents and cutting agents to identify threat chemicals at trace levels. Having a robust target list that meets our users’ needs is a top priority.
We prioritize and invest in developing new targets based on what concerns our customers. That involves listening to our users on the ground and key trend reports from organizations like the ones below to determine what targets make the cut:
- United Nations Office on Drug and Crime (UNODC)
- U.S. DEA National Forensics Laboratory Information System (NFLIS)
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
The MX908 is designed to identify targets that are a high priority and critical to customers in the field.
Which targets made the cut this time
Here’s the list of new targets we added today and why each one was a critical addition to the MX908 target list.
Target | Class | Why is it important? |
Valeryl fentanyl | Synthetic opioid/fentanyl analog | As the opioid crisis worsens, new fentanyl analogs are being developed and circulated. Valeryl fentanyl was first observed in 2018 and has increased in prevalence each year since then. |
PMK Glycidate | Stimulant precursor | PMK is used in the illicit manufacturing of MDMA (ecstasy) and other related drugs. Its identification can help in the discovery of clandestine labs. |
MDMB-CHMINACA | Synthetic cannabinoid | Synthetic cannabinoids (K2/Spice) use throughout the world continues to rise. While most are marketed as natural highs, these cannabinoids are fully synthetic. They are commonly found in combination with other drugs, preventing user confidence in correct and safe doses. This has led to many documented fatal and non-fatal overdoses. |
Always moving forward
We strive to make MX908 more capable every day, so this update will be followed by more to come. Constant improvement is key to giving you the best chemical detection and identification tool we can.