Correctional Facilities Narcotics Detection
Drug Identification in Correctional Facilities
Enabling broad narcotics detection and identification for prisons and correctional facilities
The Unknown Threat
Physical Mail Entering Facilities Can Be Dangerous
Detecting and identifying drugs entering correctional facilities via physical mail is challenging. Drugs such as K2/spice and cannabinoids can be sprayed onto paper, incorporated into ink, hidden under stamps, and inconspicuously concealed within a piece of mail.
The methods used to hide the drugs coupled with the sheer volume of mail received daily make it difficult to detect drugs through visual screening or x-ray. Undetected drugs that are delivered to inmates pose significant health and safety concerns, including overdose and death. In the US, drug overdoses in state prisons have risen more than 600% over the last 20 years1. And an international review of studies found that 25-50% of people received into custody were assessed as having serious drug problems2

- Mortality in State and Federal Prisons, 2001–2018 – Statistical Tables (ojp.gov)
- Oliemeulen L et al. Problematische alcoholgebruikers, druggebruikers, en gokkers in het gevangeniswezen [Problematic alcohol users, drug users and gamblers in prison]. Rotterdam, Ministry of Justice, Research and Documentation Centre, 2007

On-Demand Webinar
Trace Identification of Synthetic Cathinones and Other Drugs in Corrections
Detecting and identifying drugs entering correctional facilities is challenging. Drugs such as K2/spice and synthetic cathinones can be sprayed onto paper and inconspicuously concealed within a piece of mail or drugs can be simply tossed over barriers and into facilities. Watch this webinar to learn more about how MX908 can help keep your officers and inmates stay safe with trace detection and identification.

Proactively Identify Drugs in Correctional Facilities
The increasing prevalence of drugs in correctional facilities is well documented. This poses challenges for correctional facilities and society at large. Learn how MX908 trace detection technology aids in drug identification.

The Solution
Portable Mass Spectrometry
The MX908 can be utilized to detect and identify bulk powders to drugs embedded in paper. The MX908 covers the top drugs of concern in correctional facilities including cannabinoids, cathinones, and phenethylamines, as well as common street drugs such as synthetic opioids. Screening for incoming drugs keeps correctional officers, employees, and inmates safe while reducing costs associated with potential exposures.
MX908 Specifications for Corrections
MX908 provides trace identification (nanogram/invisible level) of many drugs commonly smuggled into corrections facilities.

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