
ZipChip Consumables

ZipChip consumables are preformulated with minimal method development requirements. BGE comes in various pH to match charge state requirements for migration. Chips are the heart of the separation.

Take the Guesswork Out of Method Development

Assay kits come with background electrolyte and sample diluent that’s optimized for each application. Just put the bottle of background electrolyte in the autosampler, prep your samples with the sample diluent and you’re off!

Pick a BGE Kit
Then a Chip

BGE Kits

Background electrolyte (BGE) and sample diluent reduce preparation time for your samples. With ZipChip you just dilute and shoot!

Charge Variant Analysis Kit

Superior performance for native charge variant separations of intact antibodies interfaced with all mass spectrometers.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity
  • For use with HRN or HSN chips only

Related Application Note:
Charge variant analysis with ZipChip and maXisII

Native Antibody Assay Kit

Superior performance for native charge variant separations of intact antibodies interfaced with Orbitrap mass spectrometers.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity
  • For use with HRN or HSN chips only

Related Application Note:
Charge Variant Analysis of Native Antibodies for In-depth Characterization of mAb-based Biotherapeutics

Intact Antibodies Assay Kit

For charge variant separations of intact antibodies using gentle, low pH conditions.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity

Related Application Note:
Rapid Characterization of Intact mAb-based Biotherapeutics

Peptide Assay Kit

Designed for peptide analysis and peptide mapping. Additional uses may include intact mass analysis of proteins, subunit/reduced mAb analysis, and separations of small proteins.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity

Related Application Note:
High-Throughput Intact Mass Analysis of mAb Based Therapeutics

Metabolites Assay Kit

Optimized for small molecule analysis. Additional uses may include intact mass analysis of proteins, peptide mapping, and subunit/reduced mAb analysis.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity

Related Application Note:
Analysis of Reduced mAbs and ADCs

Oligonucleotides Kit

For high resolution accurate mass identification and quantitation of oligonucleotides.

  • Pre-packaged background electrolyte
  • Sample diluent
  • 625 sample capacity
  • For use with HSB or HRB chips only

Related Application Note:
Rapid characterization of oligonucleotides using microfluidic CE-MS by ZipChip

Wistia video thumbnail

It’s All in the Chip

The heart of the technology is the chip itself, which contains the actual glass microchip. The injection cross etched into the chip performs rapid injections of the sample directly into to the separation channel, which terminates at the fully integrated electrospray ionization emitter. It all works together to offer the speed and efficiency inherent to capillary zone electrophoresis separations.

The Chips

Choose from a range of chip options to optimize your workflow. Each chip can be used up to 125 injections.

High Speed Chip enables faster microfluidic separations for faster results. Matching BGE kits: Intact Antibody, Peptides, or Metabolites.

High Speed Native Chip enables fast microfluidic separations for native protein analysis. Matching BGE kits: Native Antibodies or Charge Variant Analysis.

High Speed Bare Glass Chip for high throughput separations. For example: fast oligonucleotides analysis. Matching BGE kit example: Oligos BGE.

High Resolution Chip for applications demanding maximum separation capacities. Matching BGE kits: Intact Antibody, Peptides, or Metabolites.

High Resolution Native Chip with ultimate separation for native protein analysis. Matching BGE kits: Native Antibodies, or Charge Variant Analysis.

High Resolution Bare Glass Chip for high resolution separation of negatively charged analytes such as oligonucleotides. Matching BGE kit example: Oligos BGE.

Ordering Information

Once you have determined a kit and chip, request a quote and we will guide you through from purchase to delivery.

Assay Kits*Part NumberSamples Per Kit
ZipChip Native Antibody Assay Kit850-00048625
ZipChip Intact Antibodies Assay Kit850-00032625
ZipChip Charge Variant Analysis Kit850-00052625
ZipChip Metabolites Assay Kit850-00033625
ZipChip Peptide Assay Kit850-00034625
ZipChip Oligos Assay Kit850-00066625
ZipChip Oligos Starter Kit850-00067250 Tests
ChipsPart NumberChips Per BoxInjections Per Chip
Featured Resource:

ZipChip Consumables Guide

Learn how to take the guesswork out of method development with ZipChip. Breeze through your selection in three quick steps.

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