Download Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for documentation related to the properties of each chemical in the product; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the product. For products where multiple SDS are available, please check the part number and concentration.
SDS Buffer salt mixture Glu Lac for cell culture buffer 850.300.136
SDS Buffer solution Glu Lac cell culture 850.300.135
SDS Transport buffer ready to use Ethanol Methanol 850.300.625
SDS Transport buffer ready to use Glucose Lactate 850.300.125
Calibration Standards—Ethanol
SDS Calibration standard Ethanol 850.302.004 [0.5 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Ethanol 850.302.001 [2 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Ethanol 850.302.002 [4 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Ethanol 850.302.005 [40 g/L]
Calibration Standards—Glucose & Lactate
SDS MAVEN Calibration standard Glu_Lac 850.306.000
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.000 [0.5glu 0.25lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.001 [1glu 0.5lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.002 [2glu 1lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.003 [4glu 2lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.004 [10glu 5lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.005 [20glu 10lac]
SDS Calibration standard Glucose Lactate 850.305.006 [0.1glu 0.05lac]
Calibration Standards—Methanol
SDS Calibration standard Methanol 850.301.002 [0.2 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Methanol 850.301.004 [1 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Methanol 850.301.005 [5 g/L]
SDS Calibration standard Methanol 850.301.008 [20 g/L]
Cleaning Solution
SDS Cleaning solution GLU LA 850.300.700_710
SDS Cleaning solution Ethanol Methanol 850.300.701_711
SDS Diffusion membrane ET ME 860.211.036
SDS Diffusion membrane GLU LA cell resist 860.211.049_ 045_043__048_050_055_056_057_058
SDS Enzyme reactor AOD 811.100.120_811.100.102
SDS Glucose Oxidase, Lactate Oxidase (GOD, LOD) Sensor
SDS Installation kit diffusion probe LUER
SDS MAVEN Tubing set without sensor Diffusion Glucose Lactate
SDS Sensor set Diffusion Glucose Lactate
SDS Single-use diffusion flow cell
SDS Tubing set Diffusion Ethanol Methanol
SDS Tubing set Diffusion Glucose Lactate
SDS Tubing set Filtration Ethanol Methanol
SDS Tubing set Filtration Glucose Lactate
SDS Tubing set without sensor Diffusion Glucose Lactate TRACE
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