Grant Information

Explore a variety of ways to fund your procurement of chemical identification devices for hazmat teams and law enforcement agencies. 

Explore Grant Funding, We’re Here to Help

grant writing
  • Grant research – We will help identify which grants your department is eligible for
  • Earmark opportunities – We will guide you on how to apply for earmarked funding
  • Justification documentation – We have prepared documentation to make writing easier
  • Grant writing support – We can provide grant writing assistance
  • Successful customers – We can introduce you to similar teams who have successfully secured funding

Enabling Law Enforcement Officers
and Hazmat Teams with State-of-the-Art Technology

  • Rapidly field test for a wide range of chemicals, from illicit drugs to chemical warfare agents, using recognized and accepted techniques (FTIR and mass spectrometry)
  • Detect, identify, and quantify over 5500+ chemical hazards with XplorIR
  • Classify 2000+ novel fentanyl analogs at trace levels with MX908; no library updates required 
  • Reduce operator exposure risk with sampling from exterior of containers
  • Deliver actionable intelligence to military and civilian responders necessary to feel confident in the safety of their teams and the public
  • Establish probable cause and prioritize investigatory resources accordingly
  • Identify hazardous materials at the scene of a hazmat response incident 
  • Determine limits of contamination 
  • Verify decontamination operations were successful

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