XplorIR Solves Oxygen Displacement for Hazmat Response
Learn how XplorIR identifies contaminants lower than an O2 sensor, and why it is deployed with gas monitors during recon entry.

In emergency response, 4-gas or 5-gas air monitors with oxygen sensors ensure sufficient O2 levels for both responder safety and proper function of Catalytic Bead LEL sensors. However, a drop in O2 below 19.5% is considered IDLH by OSHA, signaling the need for supplied air respirators. Even a small decrease in O2 can indicate a large presence of contaminants, as a 0.1% drop in O2 can represent around 5,000 ppm of an unknown substance. If the XplorIR® device is used with these monitors, it can detect contaminants at much lower levels (25-50 ppm) compared to the O2 sensor, enhancing safety and reducing the risk of exposure to potentially dangerous gas clouds. XplorIR’[SW1] s capability to identify over 5,600 gases and vapors at levels well under the detection ability of O2 sensors provides an added layer of safety during reconnaissance operations.
[SW1]only need registered mark on the first mention of product.
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