Looking around on any lengthy commute aided by public transport usually finds people searching for a way to pass the time. In today’s world, that typically means people getting work done on their laptop, watching news as it happens on their tablet or iPad, or catching up on the first season of Fargo on their phones. These options, which used to only be available while sitting at home or in the office, now have become the go-to for passing time on the move. The desire for information and entertainment now is an undeniable trend of our society.

More often than not entertainment, information and data is expected wherever and whenever it is desired with little patience for delays. Netflix has become a powerhouse in today’s market developing a portable, on-demand system that customizes itself for customer needs and wants.  Google has made encyclopedias of information available to people all over the world at the touch of a button.  And thanks to portable electronics and web-based services business is now conducted in taxicabs, airport lounges, and even your kid’s soccer game.  Beginning 15 years ago with the introduction of the Palm Pilot, then the Blackberry 3-years later, through to the now popular iPhone, companies like Apple have made their name selling user-friendly technology, from computers to mp3 players, both which have gotten smaller, faster and easier to use as time has passed. As society’s demands trend more towards the faster and more convenient impulses, these companies and their products have evolved to meet the call for instant gratification changing the way we work and play.

It’s no longer considered a luxury to have immediate access to media and data on the go. Instead, people now expect to be plugged in wherever they go with information at their fingertips. In many tech companies fast on-demand services and products are no longer considered innovative, rather now deemed a necessity and what customers expect. As it has become such a common occurrence in many facets of our life, why should we not apply it to the field of analytical instruments as well?

Over the past 10-years this question has slowly been explored and solutions exist today for many forms of spectrometry.  However, today’s form of portable mass spectrometry can be compared to the original desktop computer: large, slow, and immobile. It’s time for a 21st century update.

We believe personal mass spectrometry will redefine how analysis is performed. Push button simplicity, low maintenance and reliability are the result of our high-pressure mass spectrometry (HPMS). This technique provides the selectivity of mass spectrometry in a much smaller footprint and will provision immediate actionable answers in arms reach of the researcher, analyst, first responder, and others that demand information now.

Can you imagine the possibilities with personalized high-pressure mass spectrometry tools in the field or situated right on your workbench?  We can!