
Expanding Your Toolbox: Pairing Your PID with FTIR

Learn about PID entry methods and how continuous air monitoring with XplorIR can identify unknown gases in the hotzone.

Photo Ionization Detectors (PIDs) are valuable tools for detecting a broad range of chemicals by measuring ionized gas samples with ultraviolet light. However, PIDs face limitations in accuracy due to their reliance on calibration standards and the need for gas-specific correction factors, which require knowing the identity of the gas. The XplorIR® addresses this challenge by providing real-time gas and vapor identification, enabling operators to apply the correct PID correction factors for more accurate readings and assess toxic risks based on specific contaminants. This advancement significantly enhances risk assessment and response efficiency, allowing for quicker and more accurate identification of hazards and sources, and making XplorIR a major improvement in emergency response technology since the introduction of the PID in the 1970s.

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