Simplifying Everyday Hazmat Calls with Advanced Technology
From routine calls such as carbon monoxide and odor detection, to more complex incidents involving multiple chemical substances learn how hazmat response tools like XplorIR and MX908 allow responders to work smarter.
About this Webinar
Join us for an insightful webinar featuring Phil Ambrose as he explores how advanced technologies like Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and High Pressure Mass Spectrometry (HPMS) can simplify hazmat response operations. Moderated by Dr. Mark Norman, this discussion will cover everything from routine calls, such as carbon monoxide and odor detection, to more complex incidents involving multiple chemical substances.
Through real-world examples, you’ll learn how combining basic gas detectors with advanced tools can enhance your hazmat response capabilities. Whether you’re part of a first due engine company using essential gas detection equipment or a dedicated hazmat team with extensive resources, this session will demonstrate how integrating FTIR and HPMS into your protocols can accelerate decision-making and improve outcomes. Both recon operators and incident commanders will gain valuable insights into how these technologies can boost safety for responders, the public, and property during chemical incidents.
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