Staying Ahead of the Curve: Navigating Emerging Drugs for Law Enforcement

Learn about diverse drug classifications and why new substances, such as xylazine and medetomidine, are emerging more frequently. Stay ahead of the curve and navigate these emerging drug trends.

Grant Writing Strategies for Public Safety

Are you seeking to enhance your department’s resources or make a significant impact on the fentanyl epidemic? Watch this webinar to learn about law enforcement grant writing and applications, to aid in acquiring technologies that are used on the front lines for public safety.

The MX908 Advantage in the Presence of Cutting Agents

One of the biggest challenges while conducting field identification of drugs is the presence of low concentration, highly toxic substances such as fentanyl, in the presence of relatively benign cutting agents. Read our latest whitepaper to see how MX908 performed in a study of the most common cutting agents found around the world and, when combined with Reachback analysis, improved the false positive rate from <2%, to 0%.

Identifying Dangerous Materials in Mail

Download our latest case study to learn what the commonly seized substances in everyday mail and how our MX908 is utilized as a screening tool to keep employees safe from harmful substance exposures. A simple swab of a package can reveal the contents inside.

Deadly Drug Investigations

This webinar provides an overview of the rise of the opioid epidemic in the U.S.. Through the use of real-life case studies, you will learn how to safely respond and investigate the scene of an overdose.

Suspect Fentanyl Mail Analysis and Best Practices

Watch our quick webinar on suspect fentanyl mail analysis to learn best practices on utilizing MX908 for screening suspected mail.

Identifying Chemicals Precisely Through Trace Analysis is Now a Reality, Opening New Doors for Customs Officers

This article, authored by our own John Johnson, was originally published in WCO News, Issue 3/ 2023. This article introduces MX908 which enables field officers to analyze trace materials left on any items and obtain the specific name of a trace-level substance. Not only can they confirm or allay their suspicions rapidly, but they can also proceed to physical inspection with all the precautions needed.

The New MX908 Beacon for Area Monitoring

We recently caught up with The HazMat Guys Podcast to discuss what’s new from 908 Devices for area monitoring missions.

Identifying a Synthetic Cannabinoid Imbedded in Paper

Read our latest case study on how MX908 aids correctional staff to proactively identify drugs at nanogram levels via trace detection on difficult samples, such as drugs imbedded in paper.

Responding to Chemical Warfare and Pharmaceutical Based Agents

A must watch for CBRN first responders. Receive the latest info on dangerous chemical threats, chemical warfare, and pharmaceutical based agents.

MX908 Beacon Product Video

Watch this video to see how MX908 Beacon can be deployed to provide remote area monitoring to provide real-time identification of airborne hazards.

White Paper: Area Monitoring for Chemical Warfare and Pharmaceutical Based Agents

Learn more about area monitoring and how MX908 Beacon is the only area monitor on the market to identify chemical warfare agents, etc.

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